• 24/02/1403 -
  • 021-88211563
  • OmidFanar Industrial Company
  • OmidFanar Industrial Company
  • OmidFanar Industrial Company

Submitting Resume related to desired vacancies

* last name:
* date of birth:
*place of birth:
* place of Issue:
* national code:
* sex:
*father's name:
*father's job:
* marital status:
number of dependents:
*military service status:
city location:
* home address:
*cellular phone:
* employment status:
job demand:
resume file


degree of education: field of study:
orientation: total average:
start date: termination date:
university name: city / country:

degree of education field of study: orientation total average start date termination date university name city / country delete

work experience:

name of company / organization: position / job:
term cooperation: phone number:
due to leave:

name of company / organization position / job term cooperation phone number due to leave delete

education courses:

course title: Training Institute:
duration: year of graduation:
Document status:

course title Training Institute duration year of graduation Document status delete

basic skills:

sign language: condition:
software name: condition:

sign language condition software name condition delete